chouza 長座 (Sitting with Legs Stretched Straight)

In Japanese, chouza 長座, literally "long sitting," refers to a way to sit on the floor: with your legs straight, stretched long. This is typically seen in flexibility exercises.

Asaka Karin 朝香果林 helping Konoe Kanata 近江彼方 bend forward by pushing her back.
Left: Asaka Karin 朝香果林
Right: Konoe Kanata 近江彼方
Anime: Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai, ラブライブ! 虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会 (Episode 4)

taiiku-zuwari 体育座り (Sitting Hugging Your Knees)

In Japanese, taiiku-zuwari 体育座り, "physical education sitting," is a way to sit on the floor: holding your knees. It's called this way because children are made sit like this in physical education classes in Japan.

Hyuuga Akari 日向朱里, Kanou Koyomi 叶こよみ, example of taiiku-zuwari 体育座り.
Left: Hyuuga Akari 日向朱里
Right: Kanou Koyomi 叶こよみ
Anime: Yagate Kimi ni Naru やがて君になる (Episode 3)
  • Context: students sitting in a "gymnasium," taiikukan 体育館.

It's also called sankaku-zuwari 三角座り, "triangle sitting," or taisou-zuwari 体操座り, "gymnastics sitting," depending on the region.

tate-hiza 立膝 (Sitting with One Knee Up)

In Japanese, tate-hiza 立膝, meaning "standing knee," is a way to sit on the floor: with one knee up.

Cthuko クー子, Yasaka Mahiro 八坂真尋, and Nyaruko ニャル子, sitting in different positions: W sitting, tate-hiza 立膝, and seiza 正座.
Left: Cthuko クー子
Middle: Yasaka Mahiro 八坂真尋
Right: Nyaruko ニャル子
Anime: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san 這いよれ!ニャル子さん (Episode 3)
  • Context: three characters sit differently.
  • Left: W sitting.
  • Middle: tate-hiza 立膝.
  • Right: seiza 星座.

It's also spelled tate-hiza 立て膝, with okurigana,

Thursday, April 29, 2021

"Three-Point Landing," san-ten chakuchi 三点着地 (Cool Jumping Pose)

In anime, a "three-point landing," in Japanese: san-ten chakuchi 三点着地, refers to a pose taken when landing from a high fall, typically with one foot, one knee, and one hand on the floor, making it three points of contact.

The three-point landing is often used by heroes making a dramatic entrance in a scene.

Character: Minamoto Kou 源光
Anime: Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 地縛少年花子くん (Episode 2)
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Akira Bike Slide (Braking Technique)

In anime, sometimes a bike slide is a reference to Akira アキラ, a 1988 anime movie, specially if's a shot with the character facing the camera, with three trails of smoke coming from the tires and the character's foot as they brake the bike, and with lightening coming out of somewhere.

Anime: AKIRA アキラ (Movie)
Anime: Nisemonogatari 偽物語 (Episode 3)
Anime: Mahoujin Guruguru 魔法陣グルグル (2017) (Episode 13)
Anime: Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! 映像研には手を出すな! (Episode 10)

onnanoko-zuwari 女の子座り (How Anime Girls Sit on The Floor)

In Japanese, onnanoko-zuwari 女の子座り, meaning "girl's sitting," refers to a way to sit on the floor. Typically, this is synonymous with W sitting (petan-zuwari ペタン座り), but sometimes it refers to side sitting instead (yoko-zuwari 横座り).

Amamiya Elena 天宮えれな and Yuugiri ゆうぎり, showing two positions called onnanoko-zuwari 女の子座り, "girl's sitting."
Left: Amamiya Elena 天宮えれな
Right: Yuugiri ゆうぎり
Anime: Star☆Twinkle Precure, スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア (Episode 10)
Anime: Zombieland Saga, ゾンビランドサガ (Episode 6)
  • Left: W sitting, typically what onnanoko-zuwari refers to.
  • Right: side sitting, which is sometimes called onnanoko-zuwari, too.

yoko-zuwari 横座り (Side-Sitting)

In Japanese, yoko-zuwari 横座り, meaning "side sitting," is a way to sit on the floor: with your legs to one side, from a seiza 正座 that leans a bit to one side, to just having knees bent and feet to one side.

Yuugiri ゆうぎり, example of yoko-zuwari 横座り, "side sitting."
Character: Yuugiri ゆうぎり
Anime: Zombieland Saga, ゾンビランドサガ (Episode 6)

It's also called onna-zuwari 女座り, "woman's sitting," ningyo-zuwari 人魚座り, "mermaid's sitting," oneesan-zuwari お姉さん座り, "older sister/young girl sitting," and shares the name onnanoko-zuwari 女の子座り, "girl's sitting," with W sitting.

From these names, you can guess it's typically associated with women for some reason.

W Sitting (Sitting on Floor Forming a W Shape with Your Legs, ぺたん座り)

In anime, when a character sits on the floor with their butt between their legs, forming a W shape, this is called "W-sitting," daburu-zuwari W座り, petan-zuwari ぺたん座り, petanko-zuwari ぺたんこ座り, wariza 割座, onnanoko-zuwari 女の子座り, or ahiru-zuwari アヒル座り.

Amamiya Elena 天宮えれな, example of character W sitting.
Character: Amamiya Elena 天宮えれな
Anime: Star☆Twinkle Precure, スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア (Episode 10)

M-ji kaikyaku M字開脚 (Pose)

In Japanese, emu-ji-kaikyaku M字開脚, means a pose: opening one's legs (kaikyaku) like the letter M (emu-ji).

The emu morpheme is a katakanization of the letter M.

Kinutsugai Ririko 絹番莉々子, example of emu-ji-kaikyaku M字開脚 pose: opening one's legs like the letter M.
Character: Kinutsugai Ririko 絹番莉々子
Anime: Hisone to Maso-tan ひそねとまそたん (Episode 5)
  • Context: Ririko tries to control a dragon by apparently pretending to play twister inside of its stomach.

This term is typically only used NSFW contexts, e.g. shibari 縛り, for pretty obvious reasons.

denki anma

In Japanese, denki-anma 電気あんま, meaning "electric massage," typically refers to grabbing someone by their legs and (violently) massaging their crotch with your foot, which, in anime, is typically done to physically punish a character.

It's also spelled 電気アンマ.

Attacker: Mamiya Ayumi 魔宮あゆみ
Anime: Magikano, マジカノ (Episode 7)

hara-pan (Belly Punch)

In Japanese, hara-pan 腹パン means "belly punch." The word hara means "stomach," "belly," the body part, and pan is an abbreviation of panchi パンチ, "punch."

Alternatively, it means you're full after eating, ohara panpan お腹パンパン, "stomach bursting."

This is a sort of pan パン, "bread," that you can't eat, some others being furai-pan フライパン, "fry pan," and pantsu パンツ, "panties."

Nikaidou Saki 二階堂サキ attacking Tatsumi Koutarou 巽幸太郎 with a "belly punch," hara-pan 腹パン.
Attacker: Nikaidou Saki 二階堂サキ
Receiver: Tatsumi Koutarou 巽幸太郎
Anime: Zombieland Saga, ゾンビランドサガ (Episode 4)

Warning: examples in this article feature violence and audio.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

sarashi さらし (White Cloth Worn Around Torso)

In Japanese, sarashi さらし, meaning literally "bleached," typically refers to a piece of white cloth worn around the chest by women, and around the torso by men.

It's also spelled .

Anrakutei Kukuru 暗落亭苦来, Kuurubiyuutei Gankyou 空琉美遊亭丸京, Buratei Marii 蕪羅亭魔梨威, Bouhatei Tetora 防波亭手寅, Haroukitei Kigurumi 波浪浮亭木胡桃, example of sarashi さらし.
Leftmost: Anrakutei Kukuru 暗落亭苦来
Left: Kuurubiyuutei Gankyou 空琉美遊亭丸京
Center: Buratei Marii 蕪羅亭魔梨威
Right: Bouhatei Tetora 防波亭手寅
Rightmost: Haroukitei Kigurumi 波浪浮亭木胡桃
Anime: Joshiraku じょしらく (Episode 7)
Saturday, April 10, 2021

Delinquent (Anime Tropes & Japanese Terms)

There are many manga and anime about school delinquents, or that feature delinquent characters. For reference, an article about them.

Example of delinquent characters.
Anime: Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou, 魁!!クロマティ高校 (Episode 1)
Friday, April 9, 2021

sukeban スケバン (Type of Female Delinquent)

In Japanese, sukeban スケバン means a "female delinquent," the sort that gets into fights, and is part of gangs.

It's also spelled sukeban 助番, or onna-banchou 女番長 with sukeban as gikun 義訓.

Pauline ポーリン, Reina レーナ, Mavis von Austien メーヴィス・フォン・オースティン, wearing delinquent outfits, example of sukeban スケバン.
Left: Pauline ポーリン
Middle: Reina レーナ
Right: Mavis von Austien メーヴィス・フォン・オースティン
Anime: Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! 私、能力は平均値でって言ったよね! (Episode 10, Stitch)
Monday, April 5, 2021

yankii-zuwari ヤンキー座り (Delinquent Squat, Slav Squat)

In Japanese, yankii-zuwari ヤンキー座り, meaning literally "yankee sitting," translated to "delinquent squat," because yankii ヤンキー means "delinquent," and also known in English as the "slav squat," refers to a way to sit on the floor: by squatting with your knees apart.

It's also romanized yankee-zuwari.

Maeda Taison 前田太尊, example of yankii-zuwari ヤンキー座り, delinquent squat.
Character: Maeda Taison 前田太尊
Manga: Rokudenashi Blues, ろくでなしBLUES (Volume 25, Chapter 仏の顔も・・・)