Sunday, February 28, 2021

shichi-san-wake 七三分け

In Japanese, shichi-san-wake 七三分け, meaning literally "divided," wakeru 分ける, in 7:3 parts, refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is parted to one side, ideally 70% to one side, 30% to the other side.

It's also pronounced hichi-san-wake ちさんわけ. Which side doesn't matter, 7:3, 3:7, it's all the same thing.

柿とピーナッツの割合は7:3に決まっとるやろーがァァ!! 世の中の事は全てコレ 7:3でピッチリうまく分けられるよーなっとんじゃ!! 7:3が宇宙万物根元の黄金比じゃボケコラカスぅ!!
Manga: Gintama 銀魂 (Chapter 105, 柿ピーはあんまり食べ過ぎちゃダメ)


This hairstyle is commonly associated with male office workers, i.e. salaryman, who have to follow all sorts of formalities in Japanese work culture.

In anime, a character may have this sort of hairstyle if they're supposed to be serious about rules and the sort, as opposed to lax.

Sometimes 7:3 or 3:7 ratios show up randomly in anime as a reference to this strict salaryman hairstyle.


For reference, some examples:

Sir Nighteye サー・ナイトアイ, example of salaryman-esque character with shichisan-wake 七三分け hairstyle.
Character: Sir Nighteye サー・ナイトアイ
Anime: Boku no Hero Academia 僕のヒーローアカデミア (2019) (Episode 3)
  • Context: Sir Nighteye is a very serious character who works in an office.
Example of shichi-san-wake 七三分け, a 3:7 parts hairstyle.
Left: Hasegawa Taizou 長谷川泰三
Right: Gintoki 銀時
Anime: Gintama 銀魂 (Episode 94)
  • Context: Hasegawa decided to stop being a MADAO and get a job, straightening his life. He started by straightening his hairstyle into a shichisanwake.
Kaneda Shoutarou 金田正太郎, leader of a biker gang, wearing a neat hairstyle after getting caught by the police.
Character: Kaneda Shoutarou 金田正太郎
Anime: AKIRA アキラ (Movie)
  • Context: Kaneda, a delinquent leader of a biker gang, gets arrested and changes his hairstyle to a shichisanwake before being questioned by the police.
Sakamoto 坂本, example of student being made stand in the hallway holding buckets of water.
Character: Sakamoto 坂本
Anime: Sakamoto Desu ga? 坂本ですが? (Episode 1, Stitch)
  • Context: Sakamoto is stylish even when being made stand in the corridor.

7:3 Ratio

Some examples of the 7:3 ratio being used in reference to this hairstyle.

柿とピーナッツの割合は7:3に決まっとるやろーがァァ!! 世の中の事は全てコレ 7:3でピッチリうまく分けられるよーなっとんじゃ!! 7:3が宇宙万物根元の黄金比じゃボケコラカスぅ!!
Manga: Gintama 銀魂 (Chapter 105, 柿ピーはあんまり食べ過ぎちゃダメ)
  • Context: Kurogoma Katsuo 黒駒勝男 explains the perfect ratio of rice crackers to peanuts.
    • Note: kakipii 柿ピー is common mixture of two snacks, kaki no tane 柿の種, which is rice cracker shaped as a "persimmon seed," and peanuts.
  • kaki to piinattsu no wariai wa hichi tai san ni kimattoru yaroo gaaa!!
    The ratio of rice crackers to peanuts is [obviously] 7:3!!
    • hichi - same as shichi 七.
    • kimattoru yarou - same as kimatte-iru darou 決まっているだろう.
  • yo no naka no koto wa subete kore, hichi tai san de picchiri umaku wakerareru yoo nattonja!!
    世の中の事は全てコレ 7:3でピッチリうまく分けられるよーなっとんじゃ!!
    Everything in the word is this (like his hair), [created so that] [it] can be perfectly divided into seven to three!
    • wakerareru yoo ni nattonja - same as wakerareru you ni natte-iru-n-da 分けられるようになっているんだ.
    • An eventivization of the stative verb wakerareru, "to be able to divide," which is the potential form of wakeru 分ける, "to divide."
  • hichi tai san ga uchuu banbutsu kongen no ougonhi ja, boke kora kasuu!!
    Seven to three is the golden ratio of the origin of all creation in the universe, *expletives*!!
私の術式はどんな相手にも強制的に弱点を作り出すことができます 7:3 対象の長さを線分した時 こんこ比率の“点”に攻撃を当てることができればクリティカルヒット
Manga: Jujutsu Kaisen 呪術廻戦 (Chapter 20, 幼魚と逆罰-弐-)
  • Context: Nanami Kento 七海建人, an ex-salaryman, explains how his power works.
  • watashi no jutsushiki wa {donna aite nimo kyousei-teki ni jakuten wo tsukuri-dasu} koto ga dekimasu
    My technique can {forcibly create a weak-point on any sort of opponent}.
  • nana tai san
    Seven to three.
  • {taishou no nagasa wo senbun shita} toki
    When {dividing the target's length}...
  • {kono hiritsu no "ten" ni kougeki wo ateru} koto ga dekireba kurithikaru hitto
    If [I] manage {to land an attack at the "point" of this ratio}, [it]'s a critical hit.

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