In manga and anime, a lip fang is a cute anime fang drawn as an skin-colored indentation of the upper lip rather than as an actual tooth. It's also called skin fang, flesh fang, flesh tooth, or skin tooth.
In Japanese, the term for anime fang is yaeba 八重歯, so a way to describe the lip fang in Japanese would be hada-iro no yaeba 肌色の八重歯, "skin-colored yaeba."
Character: Astolfo アストルフォ
Anime: Fate/Apocrypha (Episode 16)
Anime: Fate/Apocrypha (Episode 16)
For reference, some examples of characters with lip fangs:
Character: Inuyama Aoi 犬山あおい
Anime: Yuru Camp△, ゆるキャン△ (Episode 1, Collage)
Anime: Yuru Camp△, ゆるキャン△ (Episode 1, Collage)
Character: Yoshida Yuuko 吉田優子, Shamiko シャミ子
Anime: Machikado Mazoku まちカドまぞく (Episode 1)
Anime: Machikado Mazoku まちカドまぞく (Episode 1)
Character: Senpai 先輩
Anime: Tejina-senpai 手品先輩 (Episode 1)
Anime: Tejina-senpai 手品先輩 (Episode 1)
- guruguru-me
Swirling eyes.
Character: Hachikuji Mayoi 八九寺真宵
Anime: Nisemonogatari 偽物語 (Episode 1)
Anime: Nisemonogatari 偽物語 (Episode 1)
- Context: a money gesture.
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