Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Snot Bubble

In manga and anime, a character is drawn with a snot bubble coming out of their nose when they're sleeping, taking a nap, or just dozing off, sleepy.

This is called hana-chouchin 鼻提灯 in Japanese: hana 鼻 means "nose," and chouchin 提灯 means "paper lantern."

Miyauchi Kazuho 宮内一穂, example of snot bubble.
Character: Miyauchi Kazuho 宮内一穂,
Anime: Non Non Biyori のんのんびより (Episode 2)


Reina レーナ, and Mile マイル, Adele von Ascham アデル・フォン・アスカム, example of snot bubble, 3 eyes.
Left: Reina レーナ
Right: Mile マイル
Anime: Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! 私、能力は平均値でって言ったよね! (Episode 10)
  • 3 eyes are another sleeping symbol.

Beware the bubble isn't snot, but the character's soul coming out of their mouth.

Hasuta ハス太, soul coming out of mouth.
Character: Hasuta ハス太
Anime: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san 這いよれ!ニャル子さん (Episode 7)

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  1. So that’s the ghost that comes out of their mouth… it’s their soul.
