Anime: Shokugeki no Sōma: San no Sara 食戟のソーマ 餐ノ皿 (Episode 4)
The word chouchin 提灯 means a "light," hi 灯, that you can "take with [you] in [your] hand," te ni sageru 手に提げる. In other words: a portable light, a lantern.
Anime: Uchouten Kazoku 2 有頂天家族2 (Episode 2)
- A boy-shaped sign holding a paper lantern on hand.
- tobidashi bouya
"Boy jumping out." Imagery used in many traffic signs around Japan. - Tenmaya
The name of a character in the anime.
- tobidashi bouya
Note that the word doesn't actually have anything to do with paper. It just happens that they're traditionally made out of paper.
More specifically, a flexible material, typically bamboo, is turned into thin strips and bent into rings. Those rings are stacked vertically with some space between them, and that's going to be the frame of the lantern. Then, paper is glued on those bamboo rings.
The horizontal lines you see on paper lanterns are those bamboo rings. Since the rest of it is made out of paper, it can contract and expand vertically, like a spring, or an accordion
For reference, a video showing how they're made:
It's worth noting that despite its name, nowadays people don't go around with such "lanterns" on hand. Instead, they're mostly used to decorate places and in festivals.
Anime: Free!, フリー! (Episode 9)
- Decorative paper lanterns shaped like squids.
A way you may see them being actually held in hand would be in reference to guards from the Edo period, which are often shown carrying around such lanterns in their patrols.
Anime: Sarazanmai さらざんまい (Episode 8)
- goyou da! goyou da!
(phrase used when trying to catch a fugitive.)
This word is also used to refer to snot bubbles, called hana-chouchin 鼻提灯, "nose paper lanterns" in Japanese.
Left: Reina レーナ
Right: Mile マイル
Anime: Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! 私、能力は平均値でって言ったよね! (Episode 10)
Right: Mile マイル
Anime: Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! 私、能力は平均値でって言ったよね! (Episode 10)
For reference, some other examples of paper lanterns in anime:
Anime: Spirited Away, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi 千と千尋の神隠し (Movie)
Anime: En'en no Shouboutai 炎炎ノ消防隊 (Episode 11)
- The Kaminarimon 雷門 in anime.
- The Kaminarimon 雷門 in real life.
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