Literally, riajuu リア充 is the abbreviation of riaru リアル, which means "real," as in not the virtual, internet world, or the fantasy 2D anime-land, In Real Life, or Outside™, and the word juujitsu 充実, which means to be "full" or "complete," as opposed of lacking somehow.
- riaru ga juujitsu shiteiru
Real is being full. Complete. - Someone feels fulfillment for their real life.
- riajuu me リア充め!
[You damn] riajuu!
[You damn] normie! - Used when a someone is envious of a riajuu.
The antonym of riajuu リア充 is hiriajuu 非リア充. Other, practically synonym terms are:
- kachigumi 勝ち組
Winning group. (i.e. winners at life.) - makegumi 負け組
Losing group. (i.e. losers.)
Another word is netojuu ネト充, which means your internet life is fulfilling, rather than your real life.
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