In Japanese, bicchi ビッチ means "slut," someone's who sexually promiscuous. It's derogatory. Don't confuse bicchi ビッチ with biichi ビーチ, which means "beach," like next to a "sea," umi 海.
This word is interesting because it's a katakanization of the English word "bitch." But bicchi ビッチ in Japanese doesn't mean the same thing as "bitch" in English. Not at all.
To begin with, a "bitch" can be a female dog, but in Japanese a "female dog" is a mesu inu メス犬. The word bicchi ビッチ is only used toward women.
Indeed in English, bitch can be a derogatory way to refer to a woman: "she's a bitch." But this "bitch" means "unpleasant," something you "would rather not deal with." For example: "this is a bitch" means "this is a situation I'd rather not deal with," or: "this sucks." The verb bitching means whining, and you would rather not listen to that. "She has a bitchy attitude" means she's unpleasant. Sometimes it can mean she's one "mean bitch," she's one awful person.
In Japanese, bicchi ビッチ means none of the things above. What it means, instead, is just "slut." A woman who will kiss anyone, date anyone, have sex with anyone, and, even, *gasp*, hold HANDS with anyone!!!
So that's the difference between bitch in English and bitch in Japanese.
And if you've ever thought it meant the same thing as it does in English: don't worry. A lot of Japanese people, learning English, probably thought bitch in English meant "slut." So we're all kind of even here.

Monday, March 25, 2019
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