In anime, peachification, in Japanese Piichi-hime-ka ピーチ姫化, literally "Princess Peach-fication," is the term for turning characters into Princess Peach-like characters by putting a Super Crown on them. It's also spelled peachfication or peach-fication.
See Bowsette and Other Princesses for reference.
Source: ayyk92 at deviantart.
Peachification overlaps with rule 63, or "gender-swap (to female)," nyotaika 女体化, and "turning something into a cute anime girl," moe anthropormophism, and, since Super Mario characters are game monsters, it overlaps with monster girls too.
Regarding the Japanese grammar, it's the same as nyotaika: it's a noun that can be used as a suru verb.
- {Piichi-hime-ka shita} Kuppa
Bowser {turned into Princess Peach}.
Peachified Bowser. - {Nyotai-ka shita} Kuppa
Bowser {turned into a woman}.
Gender-bent Bowser. (to female only, nantaika 男体化 is to male.)
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