Writing System Basics
- The Japanese Alphabet
- Kana - Hiragana - Katakana - Kanji
- Japanese Writing Directions - Horizontal & Vertical
- Romaji - Reading Japanese With Our Alphabet
- When "ha" は is Pronounced "wa"
- Why ha は Particle is Pronounced wa わ, he へ as e え, wo を as o お?
- Furigana - Reading Aids for Kanji
- Morphemes in Japanese
Special Characters & Symbols
- ゃゅょ Small Kana - Compound Kana
- っ Small Tsu つ
- ヶ Small Ke ケ
- ゛゜ Tenten, Dakuten, Handakuten accents
- ー Prolonged Sound Mark
- ・ Middle Dot
- Spaces in Japanese
- 「」『』 Japanese Quotation Marks
- ●﹅ Dots in Furigana - Bouten 傍点
- 正 Japanese Tally Mark
- 小中高 - Small, Medium, High - Abbreviated School Years.
Rare Kana
- On'yomi and Kun'yomi - Kanji Readings
- 々 - Repetition Kanji
- Okurigana - Kana After Kanji
- Kanji Radicals and Components
- Jouyou Kanji - 2000 Kanji Learned in School
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